Inspiring Stories

Asanda Njobeni – Marine biologist, hiker, and disciple of Jesus

Asanda Njobeni is a marine biologist, hiker, and a disciple of Jesus. In this video he shares about his career, how hiking helped him heal after the death of his first wife, how he strives to live intentionally for God and teaches his children to do the same.

Find more great stories of faith on the Disciples Today YouTube channel.

Sibusiso Mauze
Pat Hlophe

Pat grew up in South Africa and has overcome some intense challenges. She tells her story of joining and leaving the church, and then coming back.


Themba grew up with an ambition to do something great with his life. While in the pilot training academy he found Christ and a church that embraces all people. His life changed in surprising ways.


Ivor has been a member of the International church of Christ for many years and served in the ministry for over two decades. A heart attack and a cancer diagnosis had a surprisingly positive impact on his life!


Remo grew up in South Africa. This is his journey to faith.

The Renton story

Motor Racing. Faith.

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